Book Review Book Review: Volez Voguez Voyagez banner new catalogue covet lounge

Velo: Lifestyle & Wheels Bicycle Culture and Design – Velo introduces a wild bunch of passionate cyclists – frame builders, urban planners, artists, photographers, and those who ride professionally – who are making an impact. They are not only shaping styles, but promoting cycling as a primary form of transport. The book also explores the aesthetic of today’s cycling culture and presents custom-made frames and art bikes as well as a selection of contemporary illustration and design influenced by the cycling movement. Geared toward anyone who has a personal or professional interest in cycling, Velo is the fast lane into a current topic that is both entertaining and socially relevant.

Velo Lifestyle & Wheels Bicycle Culture and Design (10) Velo Lifestyle & Wheels Bicycle Culture and Design (9)

See also: Book Review: Radical Renaissance 60

Book Review Book Review: Volez Voguez Voyagez 4th edition coveted magazine

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