Popular Summer books
I selected some of the most intrincated books for an oppulent Summer full of passion and desire. Ideal to read while you’re relaxing in your private secret garden, next to a large swimming-pool, faraway from the stress of the common mortal lives. Interiors Savannah Style This is a book for either fans of Savannah or of Paula Deen or luscious pictures of rooms that would fit into the southern lifestyle with porches and entertaining. It is really a small ‘coffee table’ book. It has no recipes, so do not expect them. The book is divided into 4 seasons, although what passes for winter in much of the rest of the country is not applicable to Georgia where it is relatively snowless. Paula introduces some rooms in her home and some of her furniture designs in different houses around Savannah. There are hints from Brandon Branch her assistant and designer. There is also a source guide. If you are buying this book by mail just be sure that it is what you want – about 200 pages of pictures of rooms and furniture and accessories and how to live the good life of Savannah. Hardcover book available in Amazon for $21,98 Romance The…