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New Edition of The Impossible Collection of Art

New Edition of The Impossible Collection of Art – In The Impossible Collection of Art, Ségalot and Giraud curate the ideal contemporary collection- a collection in which money is no object and anything is possible. Whether “impossible” to obtain or available at the tip of a paddle, these works are remarkable on their own, but as a collection they form a unique perspective on contemporary art. Capturing the essence of today’s art world that is at once rarefied, deified, and revolutionary, this limited edition volume presented in a linen box was assembled using the traditional anglaise technique and color-tipped by hand on art-quality paper. Each page bears the unique imprint of the artisan. First published in 2008, this volume offers more than just a printed museum with artworks very rarely displayed and owned by private collectors: Pablo Picasso’s Yo, Picasso (Self-Portait), 1901; Georges Braque’s Le Pont de la Roche-Guyon (The Bridge at Roche-Guyon), 1909; Robert Delaunay’s Disque Simultané (Premier), 1913; Giorgio De Chirico’s Mystery and Melancholy of a Street, 1914; Egon Schiele’s Selbstbildnis mit kariertem Hemd (Self-portrait with Checkered Shirt), 1917; Francis Picabia’s Parade Amoureuse (Love Parade), 1917; Alexander Calder’s Satnding Mobile, 1934; Fernand Leger’s La Belle Équipe (The Beautiful Team),…

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The success of the Ballets Russes was legendary, but there is more to the legend than its name: the actual story, the adventure, conceived by one man and lived by a few, that lasted only eight seasons and three summers. From 1911 to 1914, Serge Diaghilev, driven by conviction and stubbornness, turned his vision into reality. He collaborated with the likes of Leon Bakst, Igor Stravinsky, and Picasso to create an explosion of creativity in Western Europe which had never before been seen in the world of art. Thanks to Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, the most glorious page in the history of ballet, one of the most magnificent moments in the adventure of Art, was written. To turn the pages of this stunning book, which offers rare documents from the legendary Ballets Russes from 1911 to 1914 (Monte Carlo years), is to follow Diaghilev on his creative quest—a journey that continues to influence art, theater, ballet, and fashion to this day. About the Author André Tubeuf taught philosophy for thirty-five years and served as musical adviser for two Ministers of Culture, Jacques Duhamel and Michel Guy, before he began writing. A collection of his most important works, l’Offrande Musicale, was published…

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Hospitality Interior Design Ideas