
Luxury Lighting Ideas For Your Luxury Yacht – PART II

Luxury Lighting Ideas – Looking for some luxury lighting ideas for your luxury yacht? Look no further! Today, Best Design Books is going to show you amazing lighting ideas that will inspire you! EMPIRE SQUARE PLAFOND  Offering a functional lighting solution, the Empire plafond brings a twist with a square shape. Produced with the best materials and the finest handmade techniques the plafond creates a glaring and sublime design.   DRAYCOTT II WALL Following the footsteps of Draycott I wall, this wall lamp contemplates all details of the Draycott Tower in two tubes. For all that, the design remains delicate and exquisite. Another wall lighting solution made of brass and crystal glass.   TYCHO WALL  Just like a discovery, this item brings from the past the way to look beyond. Inspired in the most unusual planetarium in the world and its reflection on the water conveys the intimate lighting using materials like brass with gold plated and crystal glass. The ideal combination to be used as a single wall lighting or in harmony with other elements in the same area. What do you think about these luxury lighting ideas? Feel free to comment and share! YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Jester…

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