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Little Free Library

Top 15 NYC libraries you need to discover

Top 15 NYC libraries you need to discover

This time Best Design Books will bring you a new selection of NYC libraries, the ones that a tourist can’t find and even the locals don’t know their locations. Let’s discover these amazing libraries! As the debate continues over the renovation of the main branch of the New York Public Library — a design by Norman Foster that would radically overhaul the stacks and other features of the historic Beaux-Arts building — we are looking at some of the city’s less visible libraries. The NYPL has an incredible branch system around the boroughs, but it’s only a part of New York City’s literary resources. From private clubs, to nonprofit societies, to pop up places right out in the streets, here are some of our favorite secret libraries of the city. General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York 20 West 44th Street, Midtown, Manhattan Started in 1785, the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York has over 10,000 volumes that focus on trade and technical material. But even if you aren’t looking to study up on your skills, the reading room in their 1820 home on 44th Street is a stunning space, where shelves of wood…

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Secret Libraries of New York City

Secret Libraries of New York City – The New York Public Library has an incredible branch system around the boroughs, but it’s only a part of New York City’s literary resources. From private clubs, to nonprofit societies, to pop up places right out in the streets, here are some of secret libraries of the city. General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen 20 West 44th Street, Midtown, Manhattan Started in 1785, the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New York has over 10,000 volumes that focus on trade and technical material. But even if you aren’t looking to study up on your skills, the reading room in their 1820 home on 44th Street is a stunning space, where shelves of wood and iron climb up to a broad skylight. Be sure not to miss the incredible bank vault lock collection on the second floor. Grolier Club 47 E 60th Street, Upper East Side, Manhattan No bibliophile should spend time in New York City without visiting the Grolier Club. The private club on the Upper East Side started in 1884 and has a research library with tomes on all things book related, including book selling, bookbinding, the history of printing, and book auction catalogs….

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