The Chamber of Curiosity – Apartment Design and the New Elegance
The Chamber of Curiosity – Apartment Design and the New Elegance – The most fascinating apartments are always those that reflect the essence of their occupants. The Chamber of Curiosity is a captivating selection of interiors from around the world that tell compelling stories of their owner’s unconventional personalities and life paths. Each page transports the reader into their eccentric, deeply personal, and consistently fascinating spaces. We are welcomed into the private worlds of exotics, dandies, and hedonists featuring stunning work by architects and designers as well as objects collected by savvy hunters and gatherers. In the collage-like rooms showcased in this book, anything goes except uniformity. Its rich images are complemented by portraits of trailblazing interior designers and additional texts about the featured owners and their furnishings. The most fascinating apartments have always been those that reflect the essence of their interesting occupants. These apartments function as showcases for individual character, as chambers of curiosities reflecting unconventional life patterns. The apartment as dandy, as it were. See also: Book Review: Once Upon a Chair… Apartments like these contain a conglomeration of objects and features that underscore the personalities of their occupants. Modern classics meet personal acquisitions and unconventional items with their own backstory….