Gardens are for Living: unique outdoor design book ideas
Judy Kameon has twenty years of experience as a landscape designer in Los Angeles. Her work has been featured in Garden Design, House & Garden, Dwell, The New York Times, Vogue, and Sunset. Jonathan Adler is an interior decorator and author of 100 Ways to Happy Chic Your Life. Judy Kameon firm Elysian Landscapes, is known for their liveable gardens, full of color, texture, and of equal importance to Kameon, spaces to entertain, eat, play, and relax. Homeowners are curious to know her secrets for how to transform a tired garden into a welcoming outdoor room. Gardens Are for Living: Design Inspiration for Outdoor Spaces (published by Rizzoli), is Kameon’s first book and came out this year. “The book is a densely packed, playful, and easy-to-penetrate read. Kameon’s generously shared with the world what she’s been sharing with her friends and clients for years: how she does it, what her process is, and where she gets her inspiration.” Gardenista Bring the indoors outdoors with these inspiring design ideas. Gardens should be spaces that invite gathering, entertaining, and relaxing-gardens are for living. This is the philosophy behind Judy Kameon’s design, and it reflects a shift in the way people today relate to the areas around their homes. Kameon has developed a unique style…